We Need Your Support
We are new to being self employed, small business owners. We know with our friends, family, and movement partners with us, we can challenge industrial farming and bring dignity, justice, and intimacy into this work. Please support us as you are able.
Lend your skills to this project. We are always looking for folks to support with labor, media, and more! Please fill out our volunteer form and we will contact you.
You can also sign up for our Community Volunteer Days on our Events page.
Donations will be used directly to fund CSA shares for our BIPOC community members. Donations can be made using the “Sponsor a CSA Share” button or to our Venmo @KasamaFarm (please put “CSA Sponsor” in the description)
Growing food takes lots of supplies. If you would like to make in-kind donations to us - please email us to ask us what we need or to let us know what you have to donate. Right now we are looking for seedling trays, 1020 seeding trays, 4” plastic pots, burlap bags, and tools.
Kasama Farm is a community farming project. Please help us connect to community, especially people and organizations in Oregon and Washington. Fill out this form to connect us to people you know.
Follow us on social media! Stay involved as we begin this project by following our posts and sharing them with your networks.