This is the place. When we were organizing back in Boston with PEAR, we took a trip down to New York City for the PSONA and got to check out some of the Filipinx community organizing spaces out there. It was amazing and emotional to see a dedicated space celebrating Filipinx history, resistance, organizing, and spirituality. There’s something really special about being able to walk into a place that feels welcoming to your roots, wherever you may be on that journey.
The Filipino Bayanihan Center on SE Morrison feels like a warm hug. It’s easy to drop-by and end up staying all day. You might find some kasamas playing the guitar, singing karaoke, hosting a teach-in on the Philippine elections, or a community report-back of a health survey. You’ll definitely be welcomed by a loving group of kababayan ready to help you out with accessing resources both here and at home. They’ve got interpreters who are able to work with you in a number of Filipino languages.
This past growing season, we were connected to the Bayanihan Center through one of our CSA members. Through funding from NAFCON Oregon (National Alliance for Filipino Concerns) and the Oregon Food Bank, we were able to provide 14 CSA shares every week to support their Kalusugan Community Pantry. Now that Kasama Farm is resting under a foot of snow, we’ve been receiving produce support from the pantry to help keep us fed during the winter. Drop by the center to get some fresh produce and shelf-stable items, bus passes, and/or face masks. Or just drop by to say hi! Thank you Bayanihan Center for all of the work you do!
Kalusugan Community Pantry Days & Times:
Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM : Perishable & Non-Perishable Items
Friday 1 PM - 5 PM: Fresh Produce